
Ticket settings panel gives you a powerful control on various parameters for your ticketing workflow. 

Lets dive into them and understand one by one.

Go to Settings --> Ticket.

1. Sumbit Ticket Form : This allows you to configure different fields of "Submit Ticket" form as listed below :

  a. Enable OR Disable Demo URL field in your form

  b. Add custom fields to capture more information in your form.

2. Public Tickets : This is again a powerful control which allows you to enable or disable "Public Tickets" through out the system.
But wait, What are public tickets  ?
Public ticket are general tickets which are visible to all your customers. These are usually the tickets which can help other customers to get the solution to a similar problem which someone might have faced in past.

You can configure below items : 

  a. Disable Public Tickets : This will disable Public Ticket mechanism through out the system.

  b. Show public tickets section : You can choose to show recent public tickets on HOME PAGE by enabling this switch.

  c. Public tickets by default : This option will make "Public Ticket" a default choice on ticket submission form.


3. Auto reponse for tickets : You can choose to set an auto response message for your customers during your Off-business hours.



4. Auto close ticket after : This allows you set the number of days after which inactive (tickets with no response) ticket should be auto closed.

5. Default Signature : You can set a default signature which is appended to all ticket replies. 



Generic placeholder image
